Fertilizer and Weed Control

Use our premium 5 step program to help build your turf and be the envy of the neighborhood.

Pre-Emergent Services

Our first step in our 5 step process is to get our Crabgrass pre-emergent down. Contrary to popular belief, you do not need to get this down by the first warm day in spring. We like to have it applied before the soil has a constant temperature of 52-55 degrees for at least five consecutive days. We find generally this to be around a May 1st cut off.


Steps Two thru Five

Once we get your pre-emergent applied we hop right back out to start building your turf density and taking care of any unwanted broadleafs. Step two in the process is our most critical in our opinion as you will experience the most broadleaf and your lawn is just starting to come to life. We like to get it on the right track from the get go. Step three and four are all about maintaining the previous work along with ridding ourselves of any unwanted broadleaf. We only spot treat the broadleaf at this time. Round five is your final round and here we lay your winterizer fertilizer so when spring time comes your lawn can perk up right away.


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Lawn Services
Landscape services

Fertilizer/Weed Control
Weekly Lawn Maintenance
Spring Clean-Up
Fall Clean Up
Core Aeration
Landscape Bed Maintenance
Shrub Trimming
Full Service Lawn Care - Even Pay

Landscape Rock or Mulch Delivery
Mulch or Rock install
Grading Rough
Grading Final
Sod Installation
Building Site Prep
Deck Install
Landscape Bed Maintenance

Other Services

Lawn Maintenance


Spring Clean Up

Fall Clean Up

Core Aeration.

Landscape Material

Mulch or Rock

Grading Rough

Grading Final

Sod Installation


Custom Trucking and Excavation

Landscape Bed Maintenance

Deck Install